Category: beauty

hair treatment

My hair tends to be on the dry side and needs a bit of TLC. I try to incorporate a little bit of self care on Sundays, so today I’m going to give my hair a luxurious conditioning treatment. My curls will be better for it -nice and shiny instead of dull and frizzy.

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skin cream

I don’t know about you, but I love to take a moment to pamper myself every now and then. You’ll love the feminine floral scent as it nourishes your skin.

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charcoal face mask

For a very long time, like most moms, I put myself last. I thought I was taking care of my family, but the truth was, I wasn’t giving them my best because I wasn’t at my best myself. Now, however, I take self care very seriously. You can’t pour from an empty cup, or so they say!

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